Triduum and Litany to St. Anthony M. Zaccaria



O most merciful God, Creator and Preserver of the world and Lord of the life and death of all people, hear our humble and confident prayer, and by the mediation of St. Anthony Mary, deign to deliver us speedily from every spiritual and temporal evil.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be …


O most loving God, Author of peace and every consolation, hear our fervent desires and may it please God by the intercession of St. Anthony Mary to console us in every anguish and in all sorrows.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be…


O most Bountiful God, Giver of every gift and of all graces, receive our fervent prayers, and graciously, through the merits of St. Anthony Mary, defend us from every menace and peril and aid us in all our needs.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be…
V:Pray for us, St. Anthony Mary
R:That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: Lord, enable us to grasp in the spirit of St. Paul, the sublime wisdom of Jesus Christ, the wisdom which inspired St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria to preach the message of salvation in your Church. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Litany To St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria
Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy
(repeat after each invocation below…pray for us)
Holy Mary, Mother of God,…pray for us
Holy Apostle Paul,…pray for us
Holy Father, Anthony Mary,…pray for us
He ran like a madman,…pray for us
Flower of the Lombard land,…pray for us
Fruit of a noble tree,…pray for us
Offspring of a saintly mother,…pray for us
Notable student of philosophy and medicine,…pray for us
Remarkable physician of bodies and souls,…pray for us
Venerable priest of the Church in Cremona,…pray for us
Indefatigable preacher of God’s word,…pray for us
Faithful steward of God’s mysteries,…pray for us
Wise educator of God’s people,…pray for us
Renewer of Christian life,…pray for us
Reformer of religious life,…pray for us
Restorer of apostolic life,…pray for us
Father and founder,…pray for us
Father and leader,…pray for us
Father and lawgiver,…pray for us
Benefactor of the poor,…pray for us
Father of the fatherland,…pray for us
Mediator of peace,…pray for us
Shepherd being all to all,…pray for us
Laborer worn out by toil,…pray for us
Soldier fallen in battle,…pray for us
 In Christ’s footsteps,
in imitation of great Saints
True friend of God,…pray for us
True lover of Christ,…pray for us
Imitator and missionary of the Crucified Lord,…pray for us
Adorer and apostle of the Holy Eucharist,…pray for us
Friend and herald of the Holy Spirit,…pray for us
Child consecrated to the Virgin,…pray for us
Recruit surrounded by Angels,…pray for us
Veteran welcomed among the Apostles,…pray for us
Legitimate son of Paul,…pray for us
Heir of the Holy Fathers,…pray for us
Scholar of the ancient Doctors,…pray for us
Pride of outstanding teachers,…pray for us
From virtue to virtue toward
the reward of the heavenly fatherland
Angel on earth,…pray for us
Angel in the flesh,…pray for us
Young man blossomed like a lily,…pray for us
Rich man stripped of everything,…pray for us
Nobleman thirsting for scorn,…pray for us
Man adorned with all virtues,…pray for us
Man filled with heavenly gifts,…pray for us
Man prudent in discerning,…pray for us
Man resolute in acting,…pray for us
Man ever absorbed in prayer,…pray for us
Man inspired by the sublime wisdom of Jesus Christ,…pray for us
Man divine and holy,…pray for us
Man gentle and humane,…pray for us
Man burning with charity,…pray for us
Man fervent in spirit,…pray for us
Man relentless against lukewarmness,…pray for us
Man ruthless against vices,…pray for us
Magnanimous hero, you have fought without pay the good fight,…pray for us
Exultant champion, you have quickly finished the race,…pray for us
Blessed servant, you have remained faithful unto death,…pray for us
Victorious captain, you reign forever crowned with glory,…pray for us
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
V: Pray for us, St. Anthony Mary.
R: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: Lord, enable us to grasp in the spirit of St. Paul, the sublime wisdom of Jesus Christ, the wisdom which inspired St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria to preach the message of salvation in your Church. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.