Barnabite Venerables
Venerable Servant of God Fr. Karl Halfdan M. SCHILLING
O God our Father, with your love guide every moment of our lives,
that we may rejoice with gratitude of your benefits.
Our Fathers, Hail Mary, Glory Be
Ecclesiastical approbation.
Venerable Servant of God Fr. Cesar BARZAGHI
CESARE MARIA BARZAGHI - the heroic virtues of the Servant of God CESARE MARIA BARZAGHI, priest of the Congregation of Clerics Regular of St Paul (Barnabites); born 28 March 1863 at Como, Italy, and died 3 May 1941 at Lodi; 6 July 1993
Church of St. Luke - CREMONA - Italy
Most provident God, Father of mercies, you who guide with love all creatures and who give them the grace to know you and love you, look with kindness upon those who call on you in faith, and through the intercession of your Venerable Serafino Ghidini grant us the grace... so that we may thank you and glorify you without end.
Glory to the Father...
Glory to the Father ...
Most merciful God, you who revealed to the young Venerable Serafino Ghidini the desire to holiness, we ask, through his intercession, the grace ... so that we may be able to recognize your presence in the Church and follow his example of holiness.
Glory to the Father ...
Lord Jesus, we beseech you to grant to your servant, Venerable Serafino Ghidini, the supreme honors of the altar and to us the grace to imitate his example of perfect adherence to you, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. This we humbly ask through his intercession. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
- Venerable Servant of God Fr. Bartolomeo CANALE