Barnabite Publications
Barnabite Publications
Barnabite Publications commenced in 2007 with its first online publication of a newsletter entitled Anthony Alive. In the following years, Barnabite Publications has printed religious materials: brochures, pamphlets, cards and other religious items for the use of the English-speaking readers. Barnabite Publications continues to fulfill its aim of evangelization through publishing and printing materials that provide spiritual means for renewing Christian fervor in individuals and in the world as envisioned by St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, founder of the Clerics Regular of St. Paul (Barnabites), Angelic Sisters of St. Paul, and the Laity of St. Paul.
Barnabite Publications depends mostly on generous donations for its publishing finances. It welcomes monetary offerings coursed through this address:
- Barnabite Publications
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Latest publications:
Barnabite Publication Catalog 2014 - Special Edition
Barnabite Publications Catalog 2007-2012
Barnabite Publications - Catalog 2011-2012
Barnabite Publications - Catalog 2010-2011